I designed a small plug, which is superglued or epoxied to the hole and holds the magnet in the right position.
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Další z mých mezisvátkových open source projektů je sada šablon pro dynamické generování UI v ASP.NET Razor Pages a MVC Core.
Jako poněkud opožděný vánoční dárek jsem zveřejnil sadu užitečných tag helperů pro ASP.NET Core Razor Pages a ASP.NET MVC Core.
Double hollow heart cookie cutter made for my friend. Parametric OpenSCAD.
This is a simple flashlight holder. The OpenSCAD design is parametric so it can be modified for any flashlight diameter. The top is slightly tapered to for ease of use. Holder can be fixed using screw trough provided hole or using double-sided tape or adhesive.
When I saw Turbi's Horse Papercraft I immediatelly thought it would look great in silver with gold wall plaque. I enlarged the original model to 150% and designed simple matching base.
QR Code generator for OpenSCAD This project can generate OpenSCAD source code for a QR code encoding given value. There are already two projects on Thingiverse, but the first does not work properly and the second requires running executable on your machine. So I created third one. How it works This project works completely online in JavaScript. Go to https://ridercz.github.io/OpenSCAD-QR/ and enter the value of your code. The page will generate image of your code (so you can check it's working) and also OpenSCAD code, which will create array with 0 and 1, representing the code. Also provided is simple OpenSCAD module (method) qr_render for drawing the encoded QR Code with given parameters: module_size - the size of single square, default 1x1 mm height - extrusion height, default 1 mm The resulting code is not intended to be used 'as is', you are supposed to incorporate it to your own models. For example see the QR Code Dog Tag Acknowledgements The heavy lifting - QR Code generation itself - was done by the perfect qrcode-generator by Kazuhiko Arase. I just added OpenSCAD code generation and simple web interface.
This is simple dog tag with a QR Code, where you can encode URL or other contact information. The model is parametric and its size adapts to amount of data encoded in the QR code. To generate the qr_data variable holding the QR Code data, use my OpenSCAD QR Code Generator. The SCAD file generates two objects, you are supposed to glue them back to back with superglue and form a single badge. The model requires Prusa ColorPrint or other similar software, which allows you to modify G-Code to change filament during print. It does not require dual extrusion etc.
Parlamentní volby letos doprovázel kybernetický útok. Díky konzervativnímu zpracování dat neohrozil regulérnost výsledků. Kybernetická ochrana ČSÚ však mohla být lepší.
Chyba při práci s šifrováním ohrožuje elektronické občanky i zabezpečené počítače ve firmách. V Evropě se šíří nový „Zlobivý králík“, vyděračský software, kterému se Windows 10 umí bránit. Komerční VPN nejsou důvěrné, mohou pomáhat policii, ale zrazují důvěru zákazníků.