This is simple desk for Igráček dolls. There are also chairs available. The desktop is made from cardboard and packing tape, hot glued to the 3D printed base. See my other designs for other Igráček furniture.
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Za vyděračským softwarem Petya údajně stojí Rusko, alespoň to tvrdí Ukrajinci. Malwaru pro Android se povedlo získat kompletní vládu nad osmi miliony telefonů. I nejbezpečnější Windows 10 mají své slabiny, malware útočí i na 64bitové systémy.
Horse dressage requires arena to be marked with letters. This model is a simple and cheap way how to prop them on any soft surface.
Firmy i uživatele napadá nový vir Petya, tentokrát nevydírá, data rovnou ničí. Důvodem jeho šíření je práce špionážních služeb a laxnost uživatelů.
This is updated version of my Tweezers Rack from 2015. Remodelled in OpenSCAD (and made parametric). Made the mounting easier by placing the screw holes elsewhere.
Grid Cipher (sometimes also called a grid code) is very simple transposition block symmetric encryption algorithm. It is not usable for any serious cryptography nowadays, but still can be used for games and entertainment. Traditionally, the grids are created by hand by cutting them from paper. But this process is tedious and prone to errors. So I automated it using 3D printer. This SCAD file will randomly generate a valid cipher grid each time it's rendered. See variables in source code for customization options. For your convenience, there are several pre-generated grids available for download, if you don't have OpenSCAD installed.
Ransomware Petya napadl řadu velkých firem po celém světě. Aktuální útok nejspíš využil slabinu, na kterou již existují záplaty. Microsoftu utekly zdrojové kódy Windows, velkým problémem by to ale nakonec být nemělo. Rusko možná zablokuje komunikační platformu Telegram.
Nový zákon o kybernetické bezpečnosti moc nezlepší. Bezpečnostní kamery jsou zranitelné. Dejte si pozor na značku Foscam. Malware lze ovládat i přes Instagram celebrit.
I remixed the case for DSO 138 oscilloscope. The main changes include adding a slanted stand and back plane to the original model. Everything is held together with six 2.2 x 9.5 mm screws - two to add the stand to the backplane and four to hold backplane, PCB and front part together.
This is servo-based door lock controlled by Arduino Nano and powered by standard SG90 servo. The means to open the lock can be anything, from simple keypad trough magnetic hall sensors to Bluetooth or RFID. This project contains complete material from Arduino Workshop SIG I did at ZodiaCon 2017. In addition to STLs, there are the following files available: Slides.pdf - presentation slides from my talk Handbook-CS.pdf - lab handbook in Czech language Handbook-EN.pdf - lab handbook in English language - source code for all labs The following labs are included: Testing the environment (blinking the LED) Using the OH3144 Hall Sensor Using the 4x4 matrix keyboard Using the SG90 servo Simple lock controlled by magnetic sensor Simple lock controlled by keyboard Finished project - lock with changeable code stored in EEPROM. The following electronic components are required: Arduino Nano (or basically any Arduino, but the holder is designed for Nano) OH3144 Hall Sensor SG90 servo 4x4 matrix keyboard