Nokia 8110 4G je feature phone, který těží z popularity klasického modelu, proslaveného filmem The Matrix. Není to špatný telefon, za necelé dva tisíce, proto jsem si ho pořídil jako záložní a na pokusy. A navrhl na něj univerzální držák, aby měl své pevné místo.
Rubrika 3D tisk
Jak vzniká věc z 3D tiskárny? Že se vůbec ptám. Připravit STL model, pak pomocí sliceru převést na G-code a hurá tisknout… V tomto článku ale učiníme ještě krok zpět, před tvorbu trojrozměrného modelu. Máme problém z reálného světa, který chceme vyřešit pomocí 3D tisku. A já vás provedu procesem, který lze při řešení tohoto problému využít. Tisk je tentokrát jenom třešničkou na dortu.
IKEA Lack side tables are favorites of makers worldwide, because they're cheap, readily available and easily hackable. People are making everything from them - from server racks to 3D printer enclosures. But the Lack has one downside - the double-pronged screws have to be rightened manually, as no standard tool will fit them. Not anymore - I created the Lack Wrench. 3D printed tool you can attach do electric drill and use it to tighten the Lack legs.
This is simple but robust holder for my secondary keyboard (used to control the camera server or install jobs). The keyboard is to be held at 30° angle from edge of desk (in my case, the ingenious IKEA Lack). Screw the holders with four 4 mm screws to bottom of desk. The OpenSCAD model is fairly parametric to allow for accommodation of keyboards of various sizes.
This is version of The best Ikea Samla Clip. even better. by crashc0de made for the biggest (130 l) SAMLA version (IKEA art. no. 901.029.71). This one has different size so I enlarged the original model to 157%. The original STL for 45-65 l version is thrown in for completeness.
My small son loves electronics, especially if they have blinking lights and bunch of buttons. So I designed this light ramp, which is controller by Arduino and can display different light effects. Print: ledcubetoy_holder_top.stl and ledcubetoy_holder_bottom.stl in any color. It's a quite big part, I had to position it diagonally on my Prusa i3 MK2. ledcubetoy_cube.stl or ledcubetoy_cylinder.stl in transparent. Any combination of these, has to be 8 total.
This is adaptor from 24 mm to 18 mm air valve used to inflate and deflate inflatable toys, bed etc. The nozzle is long enough to open the security flap for successful deflation. The OpenSCAD model is parametric, so the model may be adapted to various diameters.
This is holder/box for Silhouette Cameo sketch pens and cutting knives. It will hold the standard 24 color pens with three spaces for additional ones and three spaces for cutting knives.
This is a printable STL version of lock pick set. There is 3DS and OBJ version. This is STL resized to reasonable proportions. Made for my friend photographer, who needed set of lock picks as a prop.
I designed a small plug, which is superglued or epoxied to the hole and holds the magnet in the right position.